The campuses of IUH


Closing Ceremony of the 381st AUN-QA Assessment at program level for master's training program at Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City 30-05-2024

After three days of serious and urgent work, on the morning of May 29, the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City (IUH) cooperated with the Southeast Asian University Network (AUN) to organize the Closing Ceremony for four of its master's training programs, including Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Natural Resources and Environmental Management, and Chemical Engineering, in accordance with AUN-QA standards.

Overview at the closing ceremony

Attending the opening session on behalf of the AUN Assessment Delegation were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamolwan Lueprasert from King Mongkut University of Technology North Bangkok (Thailand), the head of the evaluation team, along with other team leaders and experts. Representing IUH were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Trung Hieu, Vice Rector of the University, leaders of the units in charge of the four training programs, heads and deputy heads of departments, directors of various centers within the university, and representatives of staff and lecturers.

At the closing session, the members of the evaluation team presented a report on the preliminary survey results, assessing the conditions to ensure the quality of the training programs according to the AUN-QA evaluation scale. The report highlighted the strengths and identified areas for improvement, offering specific recommendations for each training program. The assessment was based on eight standards, focusing on the following areas: output standards; structure and content of the training program; teaching and learning methods; teaching staff; learner support services; facilities; and outputs.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anne Lan K. Candelaria – Assessor of AUN, report the results

Prof. Dr. John Donnie A. Ramos – AUN Assessor present the findings

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ornsiri Cheunsuang - AUN Assessor present the findings

Mr. Prem Anand M Arjunan - AUN Assessor, present the findings

In her concluding remarks, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamolwan Lueprasert - Head of the assessment team expressed her gratitude for the coordination and smooth organization of relevant units and individuals so that the assessment activities took place smoothly as planned. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lueprasert highly appreciated the results achieved by the University over the past time and hoped that the assessors’ recommendations on the four postgraduate training programs would be considered and implemented by the University in the coming time.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamolwan Lueprasert gave a concluding speech

At the end of the closing ceremony, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Trung Hieu, Vice Rector of the University, extended his sincere gratitude to the assessment team for their dedication, responsibility, and objectivity over the past few days. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hieu affirmed, "IUH has noted the recommendations from the expert delegation. With the recommendations of AUN-QA assessment experts, it will help us further improve the quality of our postgraduate training programs, aiming to get closer to international standards."

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Trung Hieu – Vice Rector of the University, speaking at the closing session

The Board of Rectors, the Evaluation Delegation, the leaders of the 4 programs, the leaders of the department took a photo at the closing session

On this occasion, AUN also awarded certificates to 33 trainees who completed the training course for training quality assessors according to AUN-QA standards (Tier 2) at IUH.

Tier 2 teams are happy to receive certificates from the AUN Delegation

The following are pictures at the hall and moments to record the activities of the assesors in the past days:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dam Sao Mai – Vice Rector of the University, Dr. Nguyen Huy Phuc – Head of Testing and Quality Assurance Department, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamolwan Lueprasert – Head of the evaluation team, exchanged at the hall.

The delegation visited the Department of Administrative Organization

The delegation visited the Institute of International and Postgraduate Training

The assessment team visited the Center for Enterprise Cooperation and Job Support Center

The delegation visited the Department of Science Management and International Affairs

The evaluation team visited the Library Center

The assessment team checks the evidence

Experts interview lecturers of the Faculty of Chemical Technology

Experts interview the support team of departments

Leaders and support team of the Testing and Quality Assurance Department