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International Scientific Conference "Sustainable Energy Technologies" at IUH 10-11-2023

On the morning of November 10, 2023, the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City (IUH) inaugurated the opening ceremony of the International Scientific Conference titled "Sustainable Energy Technology" (ICSET 2023).

The ICSET 2023 conference is a collaborative effort between the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Viet Duc University, and the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Science and Technology. The event is scheduled to span two days, from November 10-11, 2023, hosted at IUH.

Present at the Opening Ceremony were distinguished individuals including Prof. Dr. Todor Djourkov, Head of the Faculty of Technology at the University of Food Technologies in Plovdiv, Bulgaria; Prof. Dr. Seung-Bok Choi from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at SUNY Korea University, Korea; Prof. Dr. Sivanappan Kumar of Naresuan University, Thailand; Prof. Dr. Trygve M. Eikevik from the Norwegian National University of Science and Technology; and Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Hung, Director of CIRTech Institute at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HUTECH).

Representing the organizers, notable figures included Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Trung Hieu, Vice Rector in charge of the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City; Assoc.Prof. Dr. Dam Sao Mai, Vice Rector of the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City; Dr. Ha Thuc Vien, Vice Rector in charge of Viet Duc University; Dr. Ly Thien Trang, Vice Rector of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology; and Dr. Le Thanh Minh from the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Science and Technology. The event drew the participation of over 400 delegates, scientists, teachers, and students from various countries and territories, including Norway, Bulgaria, Korea, India, Thailand, and Vietnam.

During the Opening Ceremony, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Trung Hieu highlighted the thematic emphasis of the ICSET International Conference 2023, underscoring its focus on advanced technology and sustainable development in the energy sector. He emphasized the global urgency of this issue, noting that the insights shared during the conference would offer valuable contributions not only to research but also to practical applications. Dr. Hieu further emphasized that the event served as a platform for scientists from various fields to exchange ideas, foster collaboration, and explore opportunities for future projects with new collaborators.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Trung Hieu speaks at the ICSET 2023 Opening Ceremony.

The International Scientific Conference "Sustainable Energy Technology" focused on exchanging and discussing and presenting advanced technologies, new achievements of science and sustainable development in the current period. After the plenary opening session, there were 86 submissions selected from 198 abstracts and 140 full texts submitted to the conference.

At the plenary session, the conference listened to 04 reports from leading professors in the world related to the topic of sustainable energy:

Report 1: Energy Transition Pathways and Sustainable Development Goals by Prof. Sivanappan Kumar - Naresuan University, Thailand.

Prof. Sivanappan Kumar-Naresuan University Thailand presented the report at the plenary session

Report 2: Heat Pump Technology for Drying Applications in the Agro-food Sector by Prof. Trygve M. Eikevik from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

Prof. Trygve M. Eikevik of Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) presented the report at the plenary session

Report 3: Applications of smart materials in vibration control systems by Prof. Seung-Bok Choi - Department of Mechanical Engineering, New York University, Korea (SUNY Korea).

Prof. Seung-Bok Choi - Department of Mechanical Engineering, New York University, Korea (SUNY Korea) presented the report at the plenary session

Report 4: Advanced fluidized bed drying technology by Prof. Todor Djurkov - University of Food Technologies, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Prof. Todor Djurkov from University of Food Technologies, Plovdiv, Bulgaria presented the report at the plenary session.

After the plenary session, delegates to the Conference will be divided into 5 specialized committees including:

- SET 2023 (Sustainable Energy Technologies) Division of the Department of Refrigeration Technology, comprising the Division: Advanced Drying and New Energy Technology; Refrigeration and Low Temperature Applications; Energy Storage and Thermal Management Systems and Heat Transfer In Thermal Engineering. 

- MEAT Division 2023 (Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Technologies) of the Faculty of Mechanical Technology, including 05 Divisions: Robotics and Automation; Smart Material and Application; Structures Analysis and Processing Technologies; Advanced Processing and Optimization; Dynamics and Data Processing.

- AET Division 2023 (Automotive Engineering and Advanced Technologies) of the Faculty of Dynamic Technology, consisting of 03 Divisions: Advanced Numerical and Experimental Methods for Automotive R&D; Advanced Automotive Components and New Energies Sources; Advanced IC Engine Technologies and Alternative Fuels

- Department EIS2023 (Embedded intelligent systems) under the Faculty of Electronics Technology, including 3 departments: Telecom-Munication Engineering; Computational Intelligence and Embedded Systems and Intelligent Control and Applications.

- ATOCES (Advanced Technologies for Operation and Control Of Energy System) under the Faculty of Electrical Technology, including 02 departments: Energy and Power System and Power Electronics.

The expert committee is the speakers at the plenary session, selected 5 posters representing 5 professional scientific boards and selected 17 excellent reports (Best paper) in specialized departments, in which the field of Refrigeration Technology has 04 articles, the field of Mechanical Technology has 05 articles, the field of Electronics has 3 articles, the field of electrical technology has 02 articles, and the field of automotive technology has 03 articles.

Some pictures at the show:

PGS. TS. Bùi Trung Thành, thay mặt Ban tổ chức báo cáo tóm tắt quá trình thực hiện và kết quả đạt được về các công bố khoa học của hội nghị ICSET2023

PGS.TS. Bùi Trung Thành, thay mặt Ban tổ chức công bố các bầi báo xuất sắc tại các ban chuyên môn tại Lễ bế mạc Hội nghị ICSET2023

PGS. TS.  Bùi Trung Thành, thay mặt Ban tổ chức công bố các bầi báo xuất sắc tại các ban chuyên môn tại Lễ bế mạc Hội nghị  ICSET2023

Giáo sư Sivanappan Kumar-phát giải bài báo xuất sắc

Giáo sư Trygve M. Eikeviktrường phát giải bài báo xuất sắc cho nhóm ngành điện, điện tử