The campuses of IUH


41 grassroots union groups of Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City organized a successful Union Group Conference 27-04-2023

In order to summarize and evaluate union activities at the unit in the term 2018-2023 and develop goals and operational orientations for the term 2023-2028, from April 3, 2023 to April 23, 2023, unions affiliated to the Union of Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City successfully organized the grassroots Union Group Conference towards the XVII Union Congress of Industrial University HCMC

Implementing Plan No. 65/KH-AGC dated November 11, 2022 of the Union Committee on the organization of the XVI Union Congress of Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City, term 2023-2028, based on the guidance of the University Union Committee, from April 3 to 23, 2023,  41 (out of 41) Union Groups held the Union Group Conference for the term 2023-2028, thereby electing the 2023-2028 term union leaders and 145 delegates representing units to attend the school Union Congress which will take place on May 11 and 12, 2023.

At the Conference, the Presidium presented and collected comments, discussed the Report summarizing the activities of the Union Group for the term 2019-2023 and set out the direction of tasks of the Union Group for the term 2023-2028, electing the head of the union group for the new term.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Cam Nhung – Head of the Union Group, Information – Communication Center & Delegation Office reported on the work at the Union at the unit in the term 2019-2023.

In addition, union members have been able to contribute comments to the draft document of the Union Congress of Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City for the term 2023 – 2028.

Mrs. Pham Thi Hong Phuong – Vice Chairman of the Union of the University gave a directive speech at the Conference of the Union Group, Information – Communication Center & Union Office;

Some pictures of the Grassroots Union Group Conference at the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City:

Law Faculty Union Group Conference;

Testing and Quality Assurance Office 

Office of Human Resource and Administration Union Group Conference;

Student Support and Counselling Center Union Group Conference;

Service Office Union Group Conference;

Publishing House Union Group Conference;